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Our company is known for its impeccable reputation. That's why we publish reviews and feedbacks that always include client's social media Prole. Please, look them through so you could create your opinion about us. You may contact to those who have already got the certificate or still passing the course. We are social, it helps to choose the best. Choose us.

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My first course was a 120-hour one, and now I want to further expand my knowledge. Therefore, I have been taking a 250-hour course over the last couple of months. It has been more intensive and extremely beneficial for me, as I am acquiring a wealth of knowledge regarding teaching children. offers an accredited TEFL/TESOL certificate that meets international standards and can help secure a work visa in many countries. The course provides support from native speaker trainers and instructors, with resources like videos and texts. The topics covered include classroom management, grammar, assessments, and more. After completing the course, you can receive a digital copy of your certificate and have the option to receive a paper certificate. The course empowers you to confidently teach in different classrooms with diverse levels.

This video is for individuals who want to become an English teacher online or offline. TEFL Tassel Certification offers flexible and affordable online courses for all levels of experience. There are three course options to choose from, ranging from 120 to 250 hours. Each course includes employment support and feedback from native English-speaking experts. Upon completion, you'll receive a valid certificate that can help with job applications and work visas. Join now to start your teaching journey.

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