Advanced technology and growing demand for English around the world provides lucrative market for ESL teachers. Over 2 billion people learn this language as a second and try to become fluent speakers in order to achieve their goals. Due to that, teaching opportunities are enormous. There are so many options, where to go. Being English teacher in a foreign country is a new chance for those, who have been dreaming of travel all the time. Not only you will discover the most famous places, but also dive in another culture. Many tutors teach English abroad because of some obvious reasons.
There are some points of why people choose to work in other countries:
unique international experience;
well-paid jobs;
making new friends;
immersing in other cultures;
However, if you read this article, probably, you've already determed the crucial cause of moving. Whether it's salary or other things, you must figure out what type of students you are ready to teach. Also, it's important to understand your strengths and weaknesses among others. But whatever you choose, the market is off the scale, so you will find an appropriate offer according to your abilities.
Requirements for English teachers in foreign countries
Even if you last year plans were destroyed by the coronovirus, it's not the point to give up. Truth be told, some countries are still not ready to meet you personally, but they need professionals more than before, due to the recent popularity of online courses. Moreover, the current pandemic restrictions are constantly changing. Anyway, we've prepared the list of the best countries of the world, where you can work as an English teacher eather on the spot or online.
Before you start packing you should know what language schools in foreign countries request:
Having a bachelor's degree in any subject.
A clear background check.
An ability to work abroad for at least one year.
TEFL certification.
Being from the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand or South Africa.
Let's get familiar with some of these points. Usually, the minimum duration of any contract is one year. On the one hand, it's not so much time to adjust to a new invironment. On the other hand, it might be a problem, because you have no idea what to expect, especially if you've never traveled so far before. Anyway, employers establish it to be sure you won't let them down.
Most countries want to hire only native English speakers, so they put forward such ideas as having a passport or being a citizen of places, which are confirmed as English speaking ones. However, some Asian countries as Thailand, Vietnam, Combodia, Taiwan and China will welcome you even if you are a non-native.
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And start earning money 💸 by teaching English in your own country, abroad, or online from anywhere on the planet! 🎁 Gifts and bonuses: professional support from your personal coach 🧑🏫 and job placement assistant 💼.
Qualifications and certifications for teaching English abroad
When it comes to teaching jobs, being certified seems to be an advantage rather than a mandatory thing. There are some language centers and public academies abroad, which can hire you even without a TEFL certification. Here are two options that show up, the first is getting it willingly even before to apply for a job, which as we discussed will make you a perfect candidate. The second one isn't worse, because in this case, a potential employer may offer you to sponsor your course, which is good too. As you see, that's inevatable. It goes without saying, that the such certificate will give you useful knowledge in terms of language teaching. So, if you are an inexperienced graduate or still don't know your strengths in tutoring, this course will clear up your doubts.
Having a degree considered important request to potential employees. Fortunately, it doesn't matter what major you have. The more significant is the fact of graduating college or university. So, you can be calm in terms of your education, even if you've got a biology degree. It won't prevent to consider your application. If you have a masters' diploma, you can apply for teaching at prestigious universities. However, the competition will be cut-throat.
If you have not graduated college, it doesn't mean you can't try. There are some countries, which hire non-native speakers. Check outour articleto know more about places for non-degree holders.
The best countries to teach English overseas
There are a lot of ESL jobs worlwide to expand your horizons. Despite the fact, that some countires require certain skills and qualifications, don't forget that you always can impress a potential employer otherwise. If you have different professional acheivements, it will become your merit among other candidates. Teaching experience also plays important role even in another area. As soon as you understand, you fits the bill, you should know more about the country, where you are going to. Checking a huge list of appropriate places. We've pinpointed some of them with decent conditions and high salary.
We hope that such information will help to make the right decision regarding living and working overseas. You can check the key information in a nutshell below.
Table of the best countries for teaching English abroad with up-to-date data
Average salary, $
Cost of living, $
Getting Visa
Degree Requirements
Some programs help to obtain it.
Completed TEFL course and a diploma.
Children, teenagers, adults.
There are some difficulties.
A bachelor's education and TESOL certification, teaching experience.
Kids, adults.
It doesn't take so much time.
Any major.
Mostly pupils.
United Arab Emirates
A hiring company will help.
A degree, a certificate proving competence, 2 years teaching experience.
There are no strict regulations.
You can teach without a degree.
People from 6 to 20.
South Korea
Government-sponsored programs.
120 hours of TEFL course.
It's a daunting task.
A diploma or proved qualification.
Children from 3-11.
900- 2000
Trust recruiting agencies.
Certified native speakers with a diploma.
Pupils, students.
800- 1200
Special programs to get it.
Certification and a degree.
People of defferent age.
State programs.
Mostly EU citizens. Fluent French.
People from 7 to 21.
It's difficult for non-EU citizens.
TESOL is a must.
That's a problem for foreigners to obtain visa.
Certificate and a degree.
Kids and adults.
Obtaining visa won't take much efforts.
All people.
Many programs will provide teachers with a work visa.
A bachelor's degree as well as completed TEFL course and one year of teaching experience.
Recruiting agencies will help you.
A CELTA or TEFL certified candidate.
People from 6 to 25.
Education. TEFL certification and at least a bachelor's degree is a must. It's not necessary to be a native speaker.
Visa process. There are some “dispatch companies” hiring foreigners under contract. The most popular is JET program. This one might help you teach legally, find a decent place.
Students. There is a variety of places. If your edication meets companies needs, you'll teach in an international companies and have entrepreneurs as students. Also, it's possible to work at Universities, schools and kindergartens.
Interview. Mostly that happens remotely, so you can be hired while you are at home.
Average salary. It ranges from $1600 to $4800, whereas expenses are $1300 to $2200 a month. Also, companies often cover your airfares, house rent and health insurance.
Qualifications. Such requirements depend on the job. As usually, state institutes and language centers have more obligations in comparison with volunteering program, where you can work with no experience.
Regulations. Getting visa to the USA seems to be daunting. However, all foreign nations are elligible to get it. Your potential employer unlikely will sponsor it, however may help to find an agency to make this process easier and faster.
Ways of teaching. You can choose private or public schools, online tutoring, or volunteering. The last one doesn't promise to make a fortune, however it's your chance to have international experience. Such programs as City of Lakes in Minneapolis, Minnesota and the International Rescue Committee in San Diego provides useful trainings for your future career.
Interview process. There are many steps of hiring including personal appointment. But it may start with the first online meeting.
Cost of living. In spite of decent salaries $3000-4000 per month, the cost of living here isn't low. However, all expenses strongly depend on a state, and because of that your bedroom may cost $800-2000 a month.
Requirements in terms of education. You don't have to be a native speaker to find a decent job here. However, your English fluency may help you to stand out in a crowd. Professional development is highly demanded but not necessary. You may be hired with no degree.
Work visa. It doesn't take a lot of efforts to get it, especially, when recruitment agencies help. But be ready to pay some percent.
Students. The most popular work places in China are pre-schools and secondary ones. Don't be afraid of your unawareness of foreign language as Chinese. There will be some native co-teachers to help you during the lesson.
Interviewing. Everything happens remotely. So, you have a chance to know more about the company.
Other benefits. Here you can save a lot of money due to high salary about $1200 to $3500 and low cost of living around $380 to $1000. Also, there are so many locations nearby, where you can travel.
United Arab Emirates
Education. It is undeniably the most desirable destination in the world. However, take into account that employers are demanding. You need to have any degree, two years teaching experience and certifications to prove your competence.
Visa process. This thing is calm and comfortable because recruiting agencies help to figure everything out.
Students. If you want to teach English to adults. There is a variety of ways. There are schools and language centers, but the most exciting are hotels. The UAE is one of the most popular tourist attraction, so they in need to have English speaking staff.
Interview. All hiring steps go remotely except the final one. As usually it's a formal meeting to know you personally.
Cost of living. Expect to earn $3300 to $5500 and spend around $1350 to $1900. It's glad to know that most companies cover air tickets and housing rent for their employees.
Experience. That's almost the easiest country in terms of regulations and requests. You don't have to be a native speaker to teach here.
Visa regulations. There are no strict limitations regarding foreigners. If you doubt, you can ask your recruiting agency to help.
Ways of teaching. Public, private and language schools are in need of TEFL teaching.
Interview process. You can go through it from home. And move only when the employer confirm your hiring. However, it's easier to find a job on the spot.
Wage. Here you can easily save money or send it to your relatives. ESL tutors earn here $1200 to $2200, and spend $900-1400.
South Korea
Requirements in terms of education. Any diploma is mandotary for any employer as well as 120 hours of TEFL course. This place is waiting for native speakers.
Regulations. It isn't something difficult to work legally here, especially because of government-sponsored programs such as SMOE, GEPIK, EPIK, and TaLK. Where you can earn not so much but get international experience in different institutions.
Students. Mostly children and teenagers need to enhance the language level due to some reasons.
Interview process. If you enroll in some state programs, you will find steps of hiring and interviewing. They may differ depending on the region and school.
Other benefits. Pay starts at $1350-2700, whereas one-bedroom apartment costs around $600-900.
Qualifications and experience: Any degree and TEFL certificate are such things that every company wants to see. They welcome non-native speakers as well.
Visa regulations: There isn't the easiest country for foreigners in terms of language centers. But it's possible, if you are ready to sign one year contract and fit the bill. We also recommend you to consider online way of teaching here.
Students: You can have students around the world working on International English schools. Also, there is a huge demand for ESL teachers, who want to have students of 3-11 years.
Interview process: There is a bunch of vacancies on the Internet. Fortunately, this process happens online without a personal meeting.
Payment: Working in the capital you can earn more than $1000, but if you teach in a small city an average salary ranges from 600$-800$.
Education: A bachelor's degree and clean criminal record are required. Institutions prefer to hire TEFL certified native speakers. A lot of teachers here learn Taiwanese while immersing themselves in Taiwan's urban culture.
How to work legally: The best thing is to rely on recruiting agencies. It's a safe way for both sides. Some institutions turn to these agencies to a better applicant pool and high retention rate, because not all newcomers adjust to living abroad and decide to go home earlier than the contract expires.
Students: The most popular work place for new ESL teachers called buxibans. Such locall schools, where children go to take extra curriculum English classes. If you have Ph.D. level degree and can teach at the academic level, Taiwanese university will welcome you.
Applying for a job: You can search a job in Taiwan skimming online postings or using a recruiter. The new college year usually start in the fall. Try to send your application in advance.
Salary: Wage for teaching reaches $2500 a month, whereas your expenses might be around $900-2000. Health insurance might be included.
Requirements in terms of education: There are some additions depending on the work place. However, candidates must have a relevant experience, an appropriate certificate and any degree.
Work visa: The Spanish Ministry of Education has run a program alows new teachers to work in public schools, while native speakers assist them. The program lasts about 9 months.
Students: As long as English teachers in request in Spain, there are a lot of avaliable positions in the country from private tutor to classrom assistant to head teacher. Also, private and language academies offer benefits to tutors.
Interview process: That's better if you take a leap and move to Spain, because this way is easier to find a job than online. That's risky, unless you have requisite experience or fit the bill.
Cost of living: Saving money is challenging due to a monthly salary $835 to $1900, when the cost of living is about $800 to $1200.
Qualifications and other requests: People from English-speaking countries are given prefference as well as EU citizens. Public institutions choose teachers of the ages between 20 and 35. Either CELTA or TEFL certificate is preferable.
Regulations: Fortunately, there is a huge variety of state programs such as TAPIF and Alliance Francaise, which offer Teaching Assistant program for up to seven months. But you must speak French fluently.
Students: A lot of companies in France hire tutors to upskill certain groups of staff. If you have enough expertise to teach marketing and financial sector, you can teach adults within the workforce. However, if you've not qualified enough, there are private elemantary and secondary schools.
Interview process: The majority of positions are advertised online, be sure you can supply accredited documents. Than expect skype or phone interview. If you consider a particular company,where you would like to work, turn to the local French Chamber of Commerce, probably, they will put you through local organizations which need a tutor.
Payment: Saving money is obviously impossible in such luxurious place like France. So, monthly salary is around $800 to $2000, whereas cost of living is $1600 to $2100.
Education: TEFL certification is a must for ESL teachers, whereas a grade is advisable. All state institutions have certain expectations regarding previous work experience.
Work visa: It's difficult for non-EU citizens to obtain visa for Italy. Once you're hired, complying visa regulations shoulders on you. And, you must handle it while you are outside of Italy's borders.
Students: Except typical public institutes, in Italy you can teach English in Summer Camps. Such organization as EDUCO offers short-term opportunities to work with children and adults, who are eager to diversify their life, immersing themselves in English-speaking invironment.
How to apply: Search the most popular websites, because all vacancies publish online.
Wage, cost of living and other benefits: You may earn about $900-$1600 a month, however cost of living will eat up a half.
Requests: According to the world standards TEFL certification and a bachelor's degree is a minimum.
Regulations: That's a problem for foreigners to obtain visa. Moreover, when aliens apply for teaching positions, they compete with local candidates. So, everything depends on your skills and previous experience.
Students: State or private academies and adult educational centers are open for you. Also, there is a chance to conduct private tutoring.
Applying process: It will take your patience, because mostly state institutions receive applications directly. Also, check the school, whether it's open to non-EU citizens.
Payment: Salary depends on your resume and professional achievements, however it ranges from $2500-4800. You can spend almost $1500 on an apartment.
Education: A diploma and teaching experience aren't mandatory in comparison with TEFL or CELTA certification.
Getting Visa: Obtaining visa won't take much efforts, expecially for people, who are not from English-speaking countries.
Students: You can be a teacher in state institutions or language centers. However, if you want to make more money, don't hesitate to take extra classes teaching adults within the workforce.
Where to find a job: Schools receive applications all year round. Bring your resume in person for better result and wait for an appointment to interview you.
Benefits: That wonderful and amazing country usually doesn't supply employees with medical insurance or other perks. The average salary isn't high, it's around $500-1000 per month, and a half will be spent on accommodation.
Qualifications: Requirements change from position to position. If you locked and loaded to teach English as a foreign language in public high schools you have to have a major as well as completed TEFL courses and one year of teaching experience.
Regulations: Many programs will provide teachers with a work visa, however, it happens that some schools request to work on a 90-day tourist visa with the following renewing.
Students: Children that you may teach in public high schools are of different ages. Mostly foreigners teach children in primary or secondary ones.
Interview process: There are some vacancies that you may find browsing the Internet. However, it's more reliable if you give your application in person.
Payment: The average salary of ESL teacher in Colombia is $700-$1000 depending on a position and experience. Be ready to pay a half of it for housing.
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Requirements: Many schools prefer to see a certified candidate with a degree. If you have other professional achievements, it'll become your advantage.
A work visa: Recruiting agencies will help you not only to find appropriate position with decent conditions but also explain visa regulations.
Students: You can start your teaching career in a volunteer program "English opens doors" sponsored by the Government as an assistant with no experience. Also, if you upskilled you can work in private or language academies.
Interview process: Check some recruiting agencies before you go to Cheli, there are a lot of available positions, where you can be hired remotely.
Average salary and other expenses: Fortunately, accommodation in Chile isn't expensive, you can find a room even for $40 per month. When you salary may reach $500-800.
How can I find ESL jobs abroad and online?
As we found out, turning to recruiters and other agencies may simplify your job search and make you calm in terms of a complex thing like a work visa. Moreover, you may check the information, whether an employer fits the bill, beforehand. There are some worlwide famous websites , where the information is categorized according to a country.
Tech Away
There is a chance to send a resume to a few international schools at once.
ESL Base
Signing up isn't necessary to use the resource.
Transitions Abroad
That's a good possibility to contact a potential employer directly.
Go Overseas
Fill the form before looking for a job and system will find appropriate options.
ESL Employment
This system works in a way that allows you to send your applications to academies via email.
There is a quastionnaire, which you should fill in. It will help to find offers.
ESL Job Feed
Sign up and check available TEFL jobs.
The best place to research vacancies around the world.
Total ESL
The resource will give you appropriate options according to your answers in a form.
Education Abroad
Introduce yourself in an impressive way. Send your video applications to schools.
You can contact with companies by email and check the information.
A tons of positions advertised here. Check it out.
There is a lot of teaching jobs with descriptions. Sign up and choose a region.
In conclusion, there are ample opportunities to work in the best countries of the world and teach English. Depending on your professional development, communicative skills and determination you can explore the most attractive places in the world and realize yourself. Despite the fact, that TEFL certification isn't a must according to some countries standards, it'll give you advantage and help you stand out among other competitors. Go to our homepage and purchase an online TEFL/TESOL course at 50% discount! We are looking forward to your feedback in the comments below.
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