Blog for ESL teachers is the official representative in Eastern Europe and Middle Asia is the official representative in Eastern Europe and Middle Asia

International Certification LTD UK provides high-qualified services to all English teachers worldwide. The main idea is to help experienced English tutors or newcomers to expand their professional horizons and get international practice. Teaching English to speakers of other languages implies not only perfect knowledge of the language but also constant studying. Learning approaches are the key to identifying students' potential problems. Language acquisition isn't the easiest process, which requires patience, motivation, and consistency. Being an English teacher means being a person, who inspires, helps, and supports students, when they face obstacles. Having excellent grammar and perfect pronunciation isn't enough to become a tutor. When it comes to teaching people from different countries, there are a lot of things that must be taken into account. TEFL/TESOL course is knowledge about ways of thinking and studying. Lesson plans, activities, and feedback are key things, which help to build an effective English lesson.

First day of classes for adult ESL students

First day of classes for adult ESL students

The first lesson might be worrying not only for teachers, but also for learners. You have no idea regarding their levels and skills, goals, and interests, so you have many things to do. The first day is not the right time to overwhelm learners with difficult tasks and long lectures. They will have enough time to dive deep into nuances. What is more important is to make new students feel comfortable on the first day. Let them know, they can trust you. But don't try to become one of them otherwise, they won't respect you. This day is also important for you because of the first impression. You should express sympathy and compassionate curiosity. Be serious, but don't neglect an opportunity to show your sense of humor.

Requirements to become an ESL teacher

Requirements to become an ESL teacher

Being an ESOL teacher stands for teaching English as a foreign language. It requires special education and constant English learning. ESL instructor is a demanding and rewarding job around the world. It's a facilitator, who guides people, who are not from English-speaking countries, and helps them to improve their skills regarding speaking, reading, writing, and listening. It's not necessary to be a native speaker as long as you have Prociency level. There are different career opportunities. You may teach children full-time in a public school or take up adult education. The most complicated thing is you must deliver the meaning of words and phrases through examples rather than translation. Your class will be full of people from different countries. So, there is no way to explain anything in a student's mother tongue. That's why qualifications for ESL teachers include a lot of details. Whatever you choose, you should know basic things regarding managing a class, grammar explanation, and vocabulary recycling. But firstly, let's figure out what ESL teachers have to do.

How to become an English tutor?

How to become an English tutor?

Being a teacher is not only one of the most responsible jobs, but also rewarding. As long as English is the international language you always have what to do. Such a profession is so demanding and allows you to work remotely and travel abroad. Thanks to advanced technology, there is a chance to start tutoring either online or offline depending on your preference and abilities. To become a tutor means to inspire people to achieve their goals. People tend to give up every time when they face obstacles. Looking for the easiest way is a part of human beings. So, teachers must support and keep students motivated during the whole learning path. It requires patience, flexibility, and sympathy. People want to speak English fluently having no clue how much effort it takes. Speaking a foreign language implies a lot of different skills such as reading, writing, listening, and grammar comprehension. If you don't imagine what to expect from tutoring, we are going to tell you. As you see, it is such a huge field, so there are a lot of things, which you should pay attention to.

Teaching English/ESL online without experience

Teaching English/ESL online without experience

Nowadays English teachers have a variety of options of how to realize potential. There is no necessity to stick to one work place for whole life. Needless to say that demand for online education is growing rapidly. It opens wonderful opportunities to manage our life. There is the way to save time on commuting, chose a country to settle down and have flexible schedule. As you see there are more advantages than disadvantages to work online. If it is your first time of looking for teaching jobs, probably you are confused with abundance of offers. Also, if you are a newcomer, you might hesitate regarding appropriate companies, where to work. Don't worry. This article will help you figure everything out.

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