English/ESL teacher CV: samples, templates and advice

English/ESL teacher CV: samples, templates and advice

The profession of English teacher is currently in great demand. This is due to the fact that the number of people speaking and learning English exceeds two billion people. And these numbers are growing. Therefore, competition for prestigious positions among teachers is also growing. To stand out among the mass of teachers and get your dream job, you need to advertise yourself well to the employer. It's worth working hard to create a brilliant resume that shows you your best and most Protable sides. How do you create a resume, you ask? What should it contain? And in this article we will answer these questions in detail and not only.


ESL teacher resume structure

ESL teacher resume must clearly demonstrate the applicant's ability to help students better understand and use English. Your resume must meet the requirements for teachers: solid knowledge of English and teaching skills. You must have the ability to help students understand English through reading, writing, listening and speaking. Note that you are good at implementing lesson plans and earning study programs that include ESL students. Your resume should also show your education and certifications, these are key requirements for ESL teaching position.

The classic CV should consist of the following sections:

  1. Personal data / contact information.
  2. Resume summary.
  3. Skills.
  4. Employment History.
  5. Education/Certificates and Licenses.

Let's consider each section in more detail.

Contact Information

  1. Name.
  2. Address.
  3. Phone
  4. Email.
  5. Nationality
  6. Driver’s license.
  7. Links to your social media Proles. This will show that you have your own personal life besides work.

Contact Information in CV

What should be description of resume?

A description should be reflected at a beginning of a document, because this is a section that your potential employer sees in the first place. The description should be written briefly so that аn employer can read it literally in 6-8 seconds and interest you as a specialist.

This section should show the employer how versatile you are. Therefore, your best skills, achievements and experience should be displayed here.

The first section of CV is the designation of the desired position. In this section, you should not use general phrases. An ideal option would be to prescribe this data for each company separately.

Wrong: "A young promising specialist is looking for a job in a dynamically developing company in a management position".

Correct: "I am an English tutor with 1.5 years of experience. I want to take the position of an English teacher at Parsons School of Design".

If you have no work experience or want to change your occupation, it is also worth mentioning: “I am a certified marketing specialist, with 2 years of work experience in the position of Project Manager, I want to change my occupation and get the position of an English teacher in children's Happyland Garden, New York”.

The more clearly you define the position you want to take, the more likely it is to get it.

Brevity and precision are the two main criteria at this stage.

Description in resume

Summary of skills in CV

Here English or ESL teacher needs to register your main skills and the level of Prociency in them. According to recruiting experts, in this chapter you can not be shy and point out even the most seemingly insignificant skills.

For example:

  • I have the skills of oral and written communication in English language,
  • I can quickly find a common language with children of different ages,
  • In a playful way I solve conflicts in children and adolescents,
  • I speak with ease in front of a large number of people,
  • I make beautiful and interesting presentations in the classroom,
  • I come up with activities that captivate students for several hours,
  • I am able to resolve a conflict in a group of students,
  • I follow the latest in the field of computer technology,
  • I can come up with funny rhymes in English,
  • I compose exercises for training English myself,
  • I am fast in gadgets.

Summary of skills in CV

Each of your skills described here can be a trigger for a potential employer, so describe in detail each positive characteristic.

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